
Savannah Drug Crimes Lawyer

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Drug crime convictions can result in severe, life-altering penalties, from spending several years in prison to paying extensive fines. If you are facing drug-related charges in Savannah or Chatham County, you need the services of a Savannah drug crimes lawyer. New South Law, LLC, is ready to provide those services at the highest possible level for those accused of drug manufacturing, drug trafficking, drug sales, drug distribution, conspiring to commit a drug offense, controlled substance possession, DUI, marijuana infractions, and other types of charges related to controlled substances.

Please feel welcome to contact the firm at your earliest convenience for a free consultation with our drug crime defense team if you need help with any Savannah drug case. By employing tested, effective legal strategies, we may be able to help mitigate the significant potential consequences of Georgia or federal drug charges, such as prison time, fines, and lengthy probation.

Federal Drug Schedules

The federal government classifies various psychoactive substances in the United States by dividing drugs into five distinct categories, or “schedules.” These schedules are, in turn, referenced exhaustively in everything from DEA initiatives to state laws and policies on an individual pharmacy level.

These schedules are:

  • Schedule I – These are the most “serious” drugs. Schedule 1 includes substances that are said to have no legitimate medical use. In practical terms, this definition is not strictly accurate: there is ample documentation as to the therapeutic benefits of cannabis, for example, and the chemical compound we know as heroin is legitimately manufactured and prescribed as a strong narcotic painkiller in other parts of the world.
    • Examples of Schedule I Drugs: heroin, cocaine, LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, and marijuana, which currently remains a Schedule 1 controlled substance under federal law, as well as being explicitly illegal in Georgia.
  • Schedule II – Drugs in this category have a high potential for misuse. Many of the powerful painkillers that fueled the ongoing opioid crisis are Schedule II substances. Meth also finds itself in this category because, although known as a harmful street drug, amphetamines do have widely accepted medicinal applications.
    • Examples of Schedule II Drugs: oxycodone, hydrocodone, fentanyl, morphine, codeine, methamphetamine
  • Schedule III – Substances under Schedule III have a potential for recreational use or abuse, but less so than those in Schedules I and II. Some addiction treatment drugs, sedatives, and weaker painkillers are found under Schedule III.
    • Examples of Schedule III Drugs: Suboxone, ketamine
  • Schedule IV – Schedule IV substances are said to have an even lower abuse potential than those in Schedule III, but there is much debate about the accuracy of this classification. Many “benzo” type drugs with high instances of recreational use and illegal resale are found under Schedule IV.
    • Examples of Schedule IV Drugs: clonazepam, alprazolam, diazepam, lorazepam
  • Schedule V – The Schedule V category consists of the drugs with the lowest potential for abuse when compared to those in any other category. Substances classified under Schedule V are often used to treat diarrhea, coughs, and pain.
    • Examples of Schedule V Drugs: Parepectolin, Lomotil, and Lyrica

Understanding Georgia Drug Charges

In Georgia, there are several laws on the books that deal with drugs and controlled substances. On paper, this robust legal framework is intended to protect public health and safety in response to ongoing opiate, methamphetamine, crack cocaine, and drunk driving issues. In the real world, however, these charges can sometimes be applied in a way that is overzealous, illogical, disingenuous, inappropriate, and ruins lives.

The team at New South Law, LLC, is available to help accused parties defend themselves against any such charges, including:

  • Possession of Marijuana – Being arrested for possession of marijuana could be a misdemeanor or a serious felony charge in Georgia, depending on the amount. It can result in incarceration, community service, and/or fines.
  • Marijuana Sale, Delivery, or Distribution – This, too, is a serious felony charge and can carry a lengthy prison sentence, depending on how much cannabis is involved in the case. Many people are shocked to learn that extremely large fines are also still potentially applicable to marijuana sentences in Georgia.
  • Possession of Schedule I Controlled Substance – Persons caught with so-called “street” drugs like heroin, cocaine, LSD, or mushrooms can face serious penalties in Georgia, including long periods of incarceration.
  • Unlawful Possession of a Schedule II, III, or IV Controlled Substance – These drug crimes are often felonies that can lead to long prison sentences or massive fines.
  • Unlawful Sale of Scheduled Controlled Substance – Depending on the types of substances involved, the quantity of drugs being sold, and whether the sale of the drugs directly resulted in other damages, prison sentences for selling drugs in Georgia can be extremely long.
  • Drug Trafficking – The distinction between drug trafficking and other charges, such as unlawful sale, is usually a matter of scope. This is to say that the total quantity of drugs being dealt with will be a major factor in the types of charges brought. The schedule of the drugs in question will also have an impact on the charges and penalties.

Regardless of the particular category of drug charges you’re facing, New South Law, LLC can ensure that your rights are safeguarded and that every side of the story is heard. The firm has experience in handling complex cases involving aggravating factors like theft, injury, or even death—factors that can turn an average case into a life-altering challenge. Whatever you’re facing, focused, effective, and client-centered legal strategies can help you navigate the criminal justice system.

New South Law, LLC: A Client-Focused Approach to Defense

At New South Law, LLC, we know that being charged with drug crimes represents a serious stressor, as well as a serious threat to your future. We can work quickly to implement legal strategies to meet whatever unique situation you’re facing. We accomplish this by taking the time to listen to your story and fully understand your case, your needs, and your specific goals in hiring criminal defense representation.

We can then use this understanding to build an effective legal strategy, remaining in close collaboration with you throughout the process. We believe that everyone deserves an advocate for their rights, regardless of what crime they’ve been accused of. We’re proud to be that advocate for the people of Savannah.

Here’s why our Savannah drug crime defense team at New South Law, LLC, is the preferred choice for dealing with your Georgia drug case:

  • Personal Attention: A private defense attorney from New South Law, LLC, can provide personalized attention to your case, as well as timely legal advice throughout the entire legal process. New South Law, LLC has a reputation for ensuring every detail of the evidence is carefully considered and every legal option is fully explored.
  • A Track Record of Success: New South Law, LLC is made up of a talented, capable team of highly knowledgeable professionals. Rest assured that we have the background and acumen necessary to succeed in even the toughest and most complex drug crime defense scenarios.
  • Strategy-Minded Criminal Defense: We tailor our defense to the unique details of your case and your unique goals as a client, creating a completely customized strategy that we can use to steer your case to a better outcome. The firm is built on a mission to provide world-class criminal defense solutions, and we know we can only achieve that with strategic and collaborative thinking.
  • Responsive Communication: There’s no way to provide effective legal advice or build a client-focused defense strategy without great communication, and that’s at the core of everything we do. Our office strives to be extremely responsive to all inquiries, and we pride ourselves on being highly available to our clients.
  • Fierce Advocacy for Your Rights: We firmly believe that everyone accused of a drug crime has the right to due process, a fair trial, and the presumption of innocence unless guilt has been proven beyond a doubt, regardless of whether society has already unfairly passed judgment.

We also believe in carefully going over arrest records and state evidence in an effort to identify any violations of your constitutional rights that could potentially get the case thrown out.

  • Compassionate Support: You’re going through a difficult time, and it’s okay to need help. We are a caring, results-oriented legal firm that understands empathy just as well as we understand the law. Feel free to reach out for a consultation without any fear of judgment.

In short, in your search for a Savannah drug crimes lawyer, you can rest assured that at New South Law, LLC, your case will be in the most capable hands. Our dedication to our clients and our commitment to results are unwavering, even in the face of the most challenging drug charges.


Q: What Is the Minimum Sentence for Drug Trafficking in Georgia?

A: Minimum sentences for drug trafficking convictions will vary, mostly depending on the quantity of drugs being dealt with, as well as the type and schedule of the drugs involved. A significant prison sentence is typically given to someone who has been convicted of drug trafficking.

Q: Can You Get a Bond for Drug Trafficking in Georgia?

A: Bonds in Georgia are set at the discretion of a judge and are typically informed by the specific circumstances of the case and the defendant’s prior criminal history. While drug trafficking is considered an extremely serious crime in Georgia and other states—as well as under federal law—it is entirely possible to get bond in some drug cases, especially if your lawyer knows what judges need to hear before they can grant bond. If you have been arrested in Savannah on a drug charge and believe you are being wrongfully denied bond, please contact us as soon as possible.

Q: Can You Get Probation for Drug Trafficking in Georgia?

A: Typically, no, you cannot get probation for drug trafficking in Georgia. The mandatory minimum for a drug trafficking conviction in Georgia is usually a prison sentence. If your desired outcome in a Georgia drug trafficking case were probation, you would likely want to pursue a legal strategy of trying to convince the court to lower the charges to something less serious.

Q: What Is a Violation of the Georgia Controlled Substance Act?

A: Generally speaking, a violation of the Georgia Controlled Substance Act (GCSA) is a crime, either a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the circumstances. The GCSA provides a robust legal framework for defining and punishing drug crimes, like possession and sale, in Georgia. There are several different types of violations outlined under this code.

Q: How Much Does a Drug Crime Defense Attorney Cost?

A: A drug crime defense attorney’s fee may vary significantly, depending on a range of factors. Many lawyers may charge clients by the hour, while others will charge a flat fee that is not dependent on the hours they spend on your case. Lawyers with highly respected reputations and more experience will often charge more for their services, while less experienced attorneys may charge less in many cases. A lawyer’s caseload will also affect fees. Lawyers with many clients can afford to charge less, and this can be effective for clients who don’t need much attention or easy access to their lawyers. Like most things in life, when you hire a lawyer, you get what you pay for.

New South Law, LLC – Savannah, GA’s Drug Defense Team

We know that being charged with a drug crime can be overwhelming and frightening, regardless of whether you believe you’ve been wrongly accused. The sooner you involve a qualified defense attorney, the sooner you can feel some of your stress begin to lessen—and the better your chances of a more favorable outcome. Before you have your day in court, schedule a consultation with New South Law, LLC, to tell us about your situation and learn more about how we can help you.

When your freedom and future are at stake, you can’t afford to leave things in the hands of an unqualified attorney, or an attorney whose heart isn’t in your case. In any serious case, you need a dedicated, strategy-minded advocate in your corner. New South Law, LLC is proud to be that advocate for people in a time of great need.

Whatever situation you’re facing, you deserve a path to a better future, and we’re ready to help you fight for it. Please reach out to our Savannah, GA, offices for a confidential and compassionate consultation when you’re ready to get started.

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