
Savannah Rape And Sex Crimes

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If you or a loved one has been accused of rape or sexual assault in Savannah, GA, or Chatham County, it’s crucial to seek strong legal representation immediately. Rape is one of the most serious criminal charges on the books in Georgia, and a Savannah rape lawyer from New South Law, LLC, can provide you with carefully crafted defense strategies to see you through this complex and delicate situation.

Individuals facing these types of highly sensitive charges must take proactive steps to protect their rights and reputations. Attempting to do so without the guidance of a skilled Savannah sexual assault attorney can have serious consequences. Thankfully, New South Law, LLC is prepared to provide compassionate, client-focused legal services for those accused of rape and other crimes.

Rape allegations are among the most serious and emotionally charged crimes in the legal system, and the consequences of a rape conviction cannot be overstated. Our team understands the weight of these situations and approaches each case with the utmost sensitivity and a focus on strategic de-escalation. We work to craft a sound legal defense and aim to mitigate the potential consequences of the charges.

Protecting Your Rights and the Presumption of Innocence

New South Law, LLC, stands out in this technical field of criminal defense law because our team recognizes the importance of preserving our clients’ rights from end to end throughout legal proceedings.

In Georgia, as elsewhere in the United States, individuals accused of rape and sexual assault must be presumed innocent until they have been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. Our Savannah criminal defense firm is dedicated to upholding this fundamental principle of American justice.

We also stand ready to vigorously defend our clients against any accusations that may tarnish their reputations, influence other proceedings, or cause undue legal consequences for the accused.

Rape is a serious charge, and unfortunately, there are instance where the weight of such allegations is exploited to damage someone’s reputation, family, career, or social standing. If you are facing false accusations of rape or other sex crimes, we can help you navigate the legal system to protect your rights.

Our team is committed to understanding your side of the story and thoroughly investigating the facts of your case, no matter how complicated or nuanced We can challenge any flaws in the prosecution’s evidence and ensure that you are given the fair trial you’re guaranteed under the United States Constitution.

New South Law, LLC – Comprehensive Legal Support for Responding to Rape Allegations in Chatham County

Our firm has earned a reputation throughout the Savannah area for helping people facing difficult criminal charges, such as rape. Our comprehensive defense services include:

  • State of the Art Legal Guidance – We are here to provide a top-tier level of guidance and support to clients throughout every stage of legal proceedings, ensuring that you understand your rights and options at every step.
  • Thorough Evidence Review – We can meticulously review all of the available evidence brought to court by the prosecution, considering it from every angle so that we can try to identify inaccuracies or inconsistencies. We can also look into the arrest and investigation process to ensure that your rights weren’t violated.
  • Witness Management – We can effectively cross-examine witnesses to test their credibility, cast doubt on the prosecution’s case, or reveal valuable details that support your defense. When appropriate, we can also leverage our extensive network of resources to hire expert witnesses in fields such as forensic science, medicine, or psychology to strengthen the tenets of our defense strategy.
  • From Negotiation to Litigation – Not every case needs to end in a high-profile court battle, and we explore every available avenue for resolving a case. Your individual goals as a client, as well as the unique circumstances of your case, will determine the strategy we use for pursuing resolution.
  • A Sensitive but Powerful Defense – We understand the serious emotional toll that rape allegations have on everyone involved. Our Savannah rape lawyers approach each case with compassion, empathy, and discretion, prioritizing our clients’ well-being throughout this difficult
  • Dedicated Advocacy for the Accused – At New South Law, LLC, we are committed to providing high-end legal services to Georgians facing their most challenging moments, including those facing rape and sexual assault charges. We believe in the importance of ensuring fair treatment and due process for all individuals accused of crimes, regardless of public perception or the nature of the allegations.

Defining Rape in the State of Georgia

In the State of Georgia, the term “rape” has two distinct legal meanings. Each has to do with a perpetrator having “carnal knowledge” of a female (i.e., penetrating them sexually). The two specific circumstances under which this “carnal knowledge” qualifies as rape are:

  • When this happens forcibly, against the female’s will
  • When the female is less than a certain age

To prove a rape charge (of the first type), the prosecution must be able to show that sexual penetration only occurred through the use of threats, bodily harm, physical force, coercion, or intimidation and that the female participant did not consent to the sexual contact.

In some cases, these factors can be easier to prove, while in others, they can be more subtle and difficult to unravel. While the state prioritizes victims’ voices, a skilled defense attorney can ensure that your side of the story is also heard in rape proceedings.

Note that “statutory rape” is a different charge, one that is reserved for someone who has sexual intercourse with a person under the age of consent. No element of force or intimidation needs to be proven in a statutory rape case because a minor under the age of consent cannot, in fact, legally consent to sex.

If you are reading this and thinking that it means a male can’t be “raped” in Georgia, you’re right. Welcome to the old south, the place New South Law wants to pull out of the dark ages. (Of course, there are other Georgia offenses prosecutors can use in cases involving male victims of sex crimes.)

Defending Against Rape Charges in Georgia

When facing rape or sexual assault charges in a Georgia court, it’s essential to have a strategic approach to defense. A rape defense can take many possible angles. Some potential strategies to discuss with your attorney include:

  • Consent: Demonstrating that the sexual activity was actually consensual and that your accusor participated willingly can undermine the prosecution’s charges.
  • Lack of Evidence: Like any other crime, proving rape requires solid evidence. Challenging what the prosecution brings to court—such as inconsistencies in a witness’s story or a lack of physical evidence—can cast doubt on the allegations.
  • Alibi: Providing evidence, such as security camera footage or witness testimony, that establishes the accused was elsewhere at the time of the alleged rape can provide the basis for an extremely solid defense.
  • False Accusation: A skilled attorney may be able to conduct their own investigation to uncover evidence that shows that rape accusations are fraudulent and driven by ulterior motives.
  • Mistaken Identity: In some cases, it may be effectively argued that the victim misidentified the accused as the perpetrator of the crime in question due to poor lighting, confusion, or mistaken memory.


Q: When Does the Romeo and Juliet Law Apply in Georgia?

A: The “Romeo and Juliet Law” in Georgia is intended to protect young people from incurring felony charges for having sexual relations with those close to their age. In this instance, they will only receive misdemeanor charges for a statutory rape. In most other cases, rape—including statutory rape—would be a felony-level crime.

Q: How Long Is a Sentence for Rape?

A: Sentencing for a rape conviction will vary from case to case, depending on the specific factors at play. Speaking broadly, the consequences for rape convictions are severe. Those convicted of rape in Georgia can face life in prison. The sentence is typically time in prison and probation, as well as registering as a sex offender.

Q: What Is the Age of Consent in Georgia?

A: The age of consent in Georgia is the age at which individuals are considered to be able to legally consent to sexual activity. However, other rules and nuances may apply, such as the so-called “Romeo and Juliet Law” at play for people in this age range. Anyone under the age of consent is considered to be incapable of legally consenting to sexual activity.

Q: What Are the Elements of Rape?

A: The two elements needed to prove rape in Georgia are force and lack of consent. Note that this element of “force” doesn’t necessarily have to be physical, and it doesn’t have to be present when the victim is below the age of consent. Proof of psychological intimidation may be sufficient to hold up rape charges in court, depending on the specific circumstances of the case. A skilled attorney may be able to help you demonstrate that one or both of these factors is lacking in your case.

New South Law, LLC: Powerful Defense Strategies for Challenging Charges

If you’re facing a serious charge like rape, it’s important not to lose home. Swift intervention from the skilled criminal defense team at New South Law, LLC, can make all the difference in steering your criminal case toward a better outcome. Everyone deserves a strong criminal defense against potentially life-altering charges. When you’re ready, reach out for a confidential, judgment-free consultation. We’re here to listen and help.

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